MIA hosts rehearsal tour for future travelers with special needs

In recognition of Autism Acceptance Month, Miami International Airport today hosted its latest MIA Airport Instruction and Readiness (MIAair) tour for 14 children with special needs and their families or guardians. The tour allowed participants to rehearse the air travel experience from start to finish, all the way to an airplane seat, in a safe and controlled environment. The tour also included 13 patients from the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis who have suffered spinal cord injuries and have a permanent disability.  

Families practiced entering the airport, getting boarding passes, going through security, and boarding a GlobalX plane. The program also served as a learning experience for airline and TSA workers at MIA. The goal of the MIAair program is for anyone – regardless of their disability – to experience the magic and wonder of flight. Since the tours began in 2015, more than 150 families have participated.

Last year, MIA became the first airport in Florida and the second in the U.S. to be accredited by the Airports Council International (ACI) Accessibility Enhancement Accreditation (AEA) program,  in recognition of MIA’s commitment to “prioritizing and ensuring an accessible, safe, and inclusive traveling experience for passengers with disabilities.”

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