New Large-Scale Renewable Energy Solicitation to Deliver Clean Electricity Across the State

Final Proposals for Large-Scale Land-Based Renewable Energy Projects Due in August 2024

Supports Progress Toward Achieving New York’s Climate Act Goal to Obtain 70 Percent of its Electricity from Renewable Sources by 2030

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced a new large-scale renewable energy solicitation to deliver clean electricity to New Yorkers. Building on New York’s 10-Point Action Plan, this solicitation seeks proposals for the development of new large-scale land-based renewable energy projects which are expected to spur billions of dollars in clean energy investments and create thousands of family-sustaining jobs in the State’s green economy. Today’s announcement supports progress toward achieving the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal to obtain 70 percent of New York’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

“New York is building a clean energy economy that will allow us to drastically lower emissions while creating thousands of new good-paying jobs, boosting billions of dollars in economic growth, and spurring an injection of private investment into our local communities,» Governor Hochul said. “Once selected, these projects will help accelerate our mission to power our state with affordable, reliable, zero-emission electricity for the benefit of all New Yorkers.”

The competitive solicitation, administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), is the latest in a planned series of procurements of land-based large scale renewable projects. As part of this solicitation, NYSERDA has included key provisions from the latest rounds of renewable energy procurements such as inflation indexing, labor provisions, stakeholder engagement requirements, new requirements emphasizing the importance of climate resiliency in project design, disadvantaged community commitments, agricultural land preservation, and related priorities to maintain the policy objectives introduced in prior solicitations to ensure an equitable energy transition. These elements are outlined within the solicitation documents and are designed to support the development and construction of numerous mature, late-stage renewable energy projects seeking to commence operation in the near term.

NYSERDA President and CEO Doreen M. Harris said, “By advancing land-based renewable energy projects, New York is expeditiously moving our state forward as a leader in the transition to reliable and clean energy. NYSERDA remains committed to strengthening our renewable energy pipeline and delivering increasing amounts of renewable electricity to further bolster our grid of the future.”

The process for submitting proposals into the land-based renewables solicitation will be conducted in two steps, with eligibility requirements due on July 15, 2024, to confirm that interested projects are eligible to bid, and final proposals due on August 8, 2024. More details on the land-based renewable energy solicitation are available on the Large-Scale Renewables Solicitation page on NYSERDA’s website. Conditional award notifications to selected proposers are expected in September 2024.

New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon said, “New York’s clean energy sector is not just about creating a sustainable environment; it’s also about building a robust and resilient workforce that can thrive in the green economy. Under Governor Hochul’s leadership, initiatives like this large-scale renewable energy solicitation are vital in driving economic growth, fostering innovation, and providing thousands of family-sustaining jobs.”

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar said, “Through Governor Hochul’s leadership, New York State continues to advance its strategic efforts to meet our renewable energy targets under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and create the clean energy economy of the future. Today’s announcement demonstrates the State’s commitment to expanding large-scale wind and solar projects and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, helping to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.”

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, “Today’s announcement of new large-scale renewable energy solicitation is a crucial step in New York’s transition to clean energy, which will preserve our natural resources and help New York meet its ambitious climate goals. With key provisions included for agricultural land preservation, NYSERDA’s 10-Point Plan will help the State provide a foundation for a greener economy while also ensuring we are protecting our farmland.”

State Senator Kevin Parker, Senate Energy and Telecommunications Chair said, “Governor Hochul’s announcement of the new large-scale renewable energy solicitation marks a significant step forward in New York’s commitment to a sustainable future. By accelerating our transition to wind and solar power, we are not only advancing towards our ambitious Climate Act goal of 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030, but also fostering economic growth and creating green jobs across the state. This initiative reaffirms New York’s leadership in combating climate change and sets a powerful example for other states to follow.»

State Senator Peter Harckham said, “Thank you, Governor Hochul, for spearheading this solicitation to advance New York’s clean energy goals. The Executive and Legislature are in lockstep on building a sustainable future through clean renewable energy. It is important to note that a kilowatt of clean energy is now cheaper to produce than a kilowatt of carbon-based energy. With these large-scale renewable energy projects, we are addressing climate change, saving ratepayers money and creating new green jobs.”

Assemblymember Deborah Glick said, “As the summer heat is already upon us, nothing could make it clearer that we have no time to lose in generating more of our electricity from renewable sources. I applaud Governor Hochul for pursuing an aggressive plan to move us away from our dependency on fossil fuel generated electricity. New York State should continue to lead and with the Governor’s commitment we will see the transition to a cleaner environment by the expansion of renewable energy.”

Alliance for Clean Energy New York Executive Director Marguerite Wells said, «Private renewable energy developers are ready and willing to invest billions of dollars into New York, providing jobs and tax revenue for our local municipalities. We expect numerous quality responses to this RFP, and we look forward to NYSERDA awarding projects that will be built expeditiously to bring benefits to New Yorkers as soon as possible.”

New York League of Conservation Voters President Julie Tighe said, «As we enter what is expected to be another summer with record breaking heat and air quality alerts, the urgent need to tackle the climate crisis has never been more evident. It’s time to transition off of fossil fuels and deliver clean energy, and this solicitation will help do just that. We applaud Governor Hochul and NYSERDA on this progress, because more land-based wind and solar energy projects mean fewer greenhouse gas emissions and better air quality for New Yorkers.»

New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento said, “Today’s announcement is an important step toward achieving New York’s clean energy goals. We applaud Governor Hochul and NYSERDA for ensuring the projects will be subject to precedent-setting labor standards and protections. We look forward to working together to ensure maximum application of those standards as well as domestic and New York content requirements and preferences so that we create family-sustaining careers while building New York’s clean energy future.”

New York State Building Trades President Gary LaBarbera said, “As New York continues to pursue the energy goals set out by the CLCPA, we must continue to push forward large-scale wind and solar developments that generate thousands of family-sustaining union careers and economic stimulus in our local communities. We applaud Governor Hochul for continuing to push forward these initiatives that will support the delivery of reliable, renewable energy to more New Yorkers and improve the living conditions in our state for generations to come. Our members look forward to having the opportunity to contribute to these projects and pursue the paths to the middle class they pave for them.”

Natural Resources Defense Council Director Jackson Morris said, “The launch of the 2024 solicitation process for new large-scale renewable energy projects, with proposals due in August 2024, builds on the momentum from the successful offshore wind awards for Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind and provides an important opportunity to replace canceled projects so that New York stays on track to meet our ambitious target of 70% renewable electricity by 2030. Accelerating these renewable projects underscores New York’s commitment to a clean energy future and will bring cleaner air, better jobs, and a healthier environment for all New Yorkers.”

American Clean Power Director of Eastern State Affairs Director Moira Cyphers said, “We commend NYSERDA for their responsiveness and proactive efforts to keep New York State’s clean energy goals on track. Governor Hochul’s leadership is pivotal in driving significant progress to expedite procuring clean energy which will attract new investment opportunities and create well-paying jobs across the state.”

Citizens Campaign for the Environment Executive Director Adrienne Esposito said, “Governor Hochul’s exciting announcement is another surge for New York’s renewable energy sector! We will meet the state’s renewable energy Climate Act goals only by advancing new large-scale wind and solar projects. This week’s heat wave in mid-June is another clear indicator of climate change impacts across New York caused by our continued reliance on dirty fossil fuels. We must transition our energy production and land-based wind and solar energy projects are a key component of that transition. Today’s announcement exemplifies the state’s commitment to providing clean affordable energy to all residents while combating climate change, bolstering the economy, and creating thousands of green jobs. New York’s clean energy future is looking bright.”

New York Solar Energy Industries Association Executive Director Noah Ginsburg said, “As New Yorkers across the state grapple with extreme heat and rising electric bills, accelerating renewable energy deployment has never been more urgent. New York Solar Energy Industries Association applauds NYSERDA and Governor Hochul for their commitment to achieving the clean energy and equity mandates in the Climate Act. Scaling up solar deployment is foundational to New York’s energy transition, and our member companies and solar workforce are at the ready.”

New York State’s Nation-Leading Climate Plan

New York State’s climate agenda calls for an orderly and just transition that creates family-sustaining jobs, continues to foster a green economy across all sectors and ensures that at least 35 percent, with a goal of 40 percent, of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities. Guided by some of the nation’s most aggressive climate and clean energy initiatives, New York is advancing a suite of efforts – including the New York Cap-and-Invest program (NYCI) and other complementary policies – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030 and 85 percent by 2050 from 1990 levels. New York is also on a path to achieving a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70 percent renewable energy generation by 2030, and economy-wide carbon neutrality by mid-century. A cornerstone of this transition is New York’s unprecedented clean energy investments, including more than $28 billion in 61 large-scale renewable and transmission projects across the State, $6.8 billion to reduce building emissions, $3.3 billion to scale up solar, nearly $3 billion for clean transportation initiatives and over $2 billion in NY Green Bank commitments. These and other investments are supporting more than 170,000 jobs in New York’s clean energy sector as of 2022 and over 3,000 percent growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, New York also adopted zero-emission vehicle regulations, including requiring all new passenger cars and light-duty trucks sold in the State be zero emission by 2035. Partnerships are continuing to advance New York’s climate action with more than 400 registered and more than 130 certified Climate Smart Communities, nearly 500 Clean Energy Communities, and the State’s largest community air monitoring initiative in 10 disadvantaged communities across the State to help target air pollution and combat climate change.

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