CS/CS/SB 988 Public Records/My Safe Florida Home Program

April 26, 2024


Governor Desantis signed SB 988 into law on April 26, 2024. SB 988 relates to Public Records and My Safe Florida Home Program.


This bill provides an exemption from public records requirements for certain information contained in applications and home inspection reports submitted by applicants to the Department of Financial Services as a part of the My Safe Florida Home Program. The applicant’s mailing address other than the city, zip code, and the addressee’s name, any phone number or email address provided by the applicant will be prohibited under SB 988. It will also prohibit detailed descriptions and pictures of the inside and outside of applicants’ homes.


I am grateful to Representative LaMarca for working on the House version of this bill, along with the dedicated committee staff who also worked on this bill. 

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