Visit Florida announces Florida Huddle 2022

VISIT FLORIDA announced that Florida Huddle 2022 will take place January 24-26, 2022 at the Tampa Convention Center located in downtown Tampa, Florida. 

“Florida Huddle provides an invaluable opportunity to connect travel professionals from around the world with Florida’s top destinations, hotels, resorts and attractions. We are delighted to organize this unique event in Tampa next year and open doors to new business opportunities that drive visits to all regions of our great state , «said Dana Young, president and CEO of VISIT FLORIDA.

Meanwhile Santiago C. Corrada, President and CEO of Visit Tampa Bay said, «We are very excited to welcome Florida Huddle and all of our friends from the hospitality industry in person to Tampa Bay in 2022.» 

“We are no strangers to hosting some of the most epic Huddles and this time it will be very special. Since we last stayed, Tampa has changed dramatically with new hotels, attractions, restaurants, and an emerging center that has become a focus for residents and visitors. We know you will love it and we look forward to hosting an industry meeting that we all need, «he added.

Florida Huddle is the Sunshine State’s Official Travel Trade Show, showcasing the best of Florida to national and international tour operators, wholesalers and media with individual appointments, educational sessions and contacts.

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