Governor Cuomo Urges New Yorkers to Wear Their Masks

Governor Cuomo: «This mask says I respect the nurses and the doctors who killed themselves through this virus to save other people. And I respect the nurses and the doctors, so I’m not going to infect anyone, or allow anyone else to be infected unnecessarily so I don’t cause more stress on the nurses and the doctors.»

Cuomo: «This mask says, I respect the essential workers who get up every day, and drive the bus, or drive the train, or deliver the food, or keep the lights on so that I can stay home and I can stay safe. It says I respect others. And I respect you. And that is a statement that we should all be willing to make any day. But especially in the middle of this.»

Earlier today, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo urged New Yorkers to wear their masks in public out of respect for the nurses and doctors who are fighting to save lives and for the essential workers who continue showing up to work amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  

VIDEO of the Governor’s remarks is available on YouTube here and in TV quality (h.264, mp4) format here

AUDIO of is available here

A rush transcript of the Governor’s remarks is available below:

When you wear a mask, you say, I respect you. That’s what the mask says to everyone you walk past. I respect you. I respect you. I respect your health, I respect your privacy, I respect your space, I respect you. I can do anything I want with myself. This is America. But I respect you. And out of respect for you, I wear this mask.

This mask says I respect the nurses and the doctors who killed themselves through this virus to save other people. And I respect the nurses and the doctors, so I’m not going to infect anyone, or allow anyone else to be infected unnecessarily so I don’t cause more stress on the nurses and the doctors.

This mask says, I respect the essential workers who get up every day, and drive the bus, or drive the train, or deliver the food, or keep the lights on so that I can stay home and I can stay safe. It says I respect others. And I respect you. And that is a statement that we should all be willing to make any day. But especially in the middle of this.

Yes, I want individuals to be informed so they make the right decision, but it’s about us at the end of the day, right. It’s a mindset that says it’s not about me, it’s about we. And we have reciprocal responsibilities, and a collective and a mutuality that says, I’m going to respect you, and help you, and you’re going to help me, and respect me. That’s how your battle community spread, with community unity. That’s what the mask says.

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