Governor Ron DeSantis Extends Florida’s State of Emergency 60 Days

TALLAHASSEE – Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-114 to extend Florida’s state of emergency for 60 days.

In addition, following consultation with Mayor Dave Kerner and local officials, the Governor has permitted Palm Beach County to move into phase one of the state’s re-opening plan effective Monday, May 11.

Governor DeSantis shared a major announcement from barber shop owner J Henry in Orlando, regarding the re-opening of barber shops, hair salons and nail salons with enhanced safety protocols for all counties in phase one (including Palm Beach County), effective Monday, May 11.

Governor DeSantis also announced that effective tomorrow, May 9, drive-thru testing sites at TIAA Bank Field in Jacksonville and FITTEAM Ball Park of the Palm Beaches will begin to offer anti-body testing for first responders and healthcare workers. Each site will be able to accommodate 100 tests per day to start.

While in Jacksonville, Governor DeSantis highlighted the state’s partnership with Dolphin Pointe Health Care: a brand new, state-of-the-art facility exclusively caring for patients that have tested positive for COVID-19.

There are currently 17 COVID-positive individuals being cared for at this facility.
The facility anticipates receiving an additional 7 positive in the next 24-28 hours.
4 individuals from this facility have been successfully discharged back into the community.
Recent actions the state has taken to respond to COVID-19:
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is leading the coordination of DOH and the Florida Highway Patrol to implement Executive Order 20-86. To date, more than 21,600 traveler forms have been collected at the I-10 and I-95 checkpoints.
FDOT continues to coordinate with public use airports, DOH and law enforcement to implement Executive Order 20-80. To date, more than 26,200 traveler forms have been collected at public use airports across the state.
The Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) began distributing 2,000 Scent Evidence Preservation Kits to Memory Disorder Clinics throughout Florida to help vulnerable populations stay safer at home.
DOEA hosted a conference call with all 11 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to discuss met and unmet COVID-19-related needs. Department staff also provided assistance regarding CARES Act funding, service delivery, contract language, and billing.
DOEA provided technical assistance to AAAs regarding shopping assistance, meals, service delivery, telephone reassurance, and the restaurant meal initiative.
Approximately 2,461 Florida National Guardsmen (FLNG) are mobilized to support Florida’s response to COVID-19.
FLNG’s has expanded its support to mobile testing teams and the community-based and walk-up test sites. To date, the FLNG has assisted in the testing of more than 157,600 individuals for the COVID-19 virus.
In alignment with phase 1 of Governor DeSantis’ reopening plan and local directives, CareerSource Florida’s local workforce development boards will resume in-person services by appointment at Okaloosa Walton, North Central Florida, and Citrus Levy Marion locations on Monday, May 11.

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