Florida’s beaches were filled again despite the advance of the coronavirus in the state

Given the green light given by Governor Ron DeSantis, several Florida beaches were reopened to the public, who attended in considerable numbers without fearing the growth of the coronavirus in the United States, the country with the most cases and deaths worldwide.

They opened the first beaches and parks in North Florida, specifically in Duval County, which has 824 confirmed cases, and Miami-Dade is expected to join the first phase of the country’s recovery soon, proposed by President Donald Trump. . It is about opening recreation centers such as marinas and parks, although following the current rules of social distancing, according to the mayor of this county, Carlos Giménez.

No todos los que acudieron a la playa respetaron el distanciamiento social y pocos acudieron con mascarillas

Mayor Lenny Curry said the beaches in Duval County were reopening with limited hours and that they can only be used for walking, biking, swimming, pet walking and surfing. The beaches will be open from 6 to 11 in the morning and from 5 to 8 in the afternoon, he explained.

Congregations of more than 50 people are prohibited and people must practice social distancing. «That may be the start of a return to normalcy, but please respect and follow these limitations,» said Mayor Curry. «We will return to the life we ​​know, but we must be patient.»

Carlos Giménez, mayor of Miami-Dade County, the most affected of all by the pandemic (9,045 cases and 198 deaths this Sunday), also announced in the last few hours that he is preparing to «reopen» public spaces «safely». Giménez said he saw scenes of unmasked bathers challenging the patterns of social distancing in Jacksonville (northeast), but stated that recreational spaces in Miami-Dade will be safely opened «sooner rather than later.»

Authorities in Florida were criticized for leaving the beaches open last month during part of spring break. Most counties closed their beaches or kept them under severe restrictions. The most popular beaches in South Florida (including Miami Beach) were closed by state order.

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