Florida confirms 500 deaths and 21,000 infected with covid-19

Florida pandemic gives no respite, Miami-Dade and Broward among the most impacted counties in the country

On the last day, the health authorities detected 850 new cases, while 2,841 residents are admitted to hospitals.

Of the 3,142 counties in the United States, Miami-Dade ranks 12th in contagion levels and Broward 32nd.

In Miami-Dade the number of confirmed infected reached 7,459 after 42,611 tests. In other words, 17.6% of the people tested were positive and the rest, 34,500, were negative.

581 infected are admitted to Miami-Dade hospitals and 109 people have died to date.

The zip codes most impacted by the pandemic in the county are: 33157, 33040, 33136 and 33012. Among the four they number more than 1,300 infected.

In Broward, 26,322 tests have been carried out, enough to detect 3,177 infections and 23,055 not infected. 12.1% of those analyzed were positive.

With 77 deaths, the number of fatalities in Broward continues to rise. On the last day, 108 new infections were registered and 438 people are admitted to hospitals.

Zip code 33028, to which Davis, Southwest Ranches and Pembroke Pines belong, with 438 cases, remains the most affected in Florida.

Palm Beach is nearing 100 deaths. To date, it has registered 92 deaths and is the county with the highest number of fatalities in the state. The infected rate is 15.6%, after 11,010 tests. Therefore, 1,655 tested positive and 269 residents are hospitalized.

While the death figures in the world’s leading power continue to rise, in the last record 23,232 deaths are recorded. For their part, the confirmed positives exceed 577,842 cases.

Europe seems to be taking the brunt of this pandemic. In Italy the number of deceased is 20,465, in Spain 17,628 and in France 14,967, being the first countries in number of deaths after the USA.

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