Strengthening the Relationship Between Police and Communities

Relationship between Law Enforcement and Some Local Communities is Severely Stressed Following Several Viral Videos Showing Recent Interactions between Police and Civilians

Governor Asks State Attorney General to be Available as Resource for Local Governments in Need of Help Addressing Problem and Improving Relationship between Community and Police

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today unveiled the 34th proposal of his 2020 State of the State – strengthening the relationship between local police and the communities they serve.

The relationship between law enforcement and some local communities is severely stressed following several viral videos showing recent interactions between police and civilians.

To help address this situation, the Governor is proposing a new policy in which the State Attorney General will address tensions in police-community relations and identify solutions to improve that relationship.

«As our nation confronts the toxic mix of anxiety, fear and division, many of our communities are facing challenges in the relationship between local police and the communities they serve,» Governor Cuomo said. «The stressed relationship has been compounded by viral videos showing recent interactions between police and civilians that have understandably caused an emotional reaction among the public. Attorney General James is a superb leader and as the state’s chief law enforcement officer and a former public advocate she is uniquely suited to help bridge that divide by providing community members and police an opportunity to form a stronger relationship based in respect and trust.»

«We are all better off when our police and the communities they serve build stronger relationships,» Attorney General Letitia James said. «New Yorkers deserve to be safe and respected at the same time and better police-community relations go a long way toward that goal. I welcome the opportunity to play a role in improving police-community relations.»

The incidents shown in the recent viral videos have demonstrated the need for a credible official who can step in and help look at the root causes of this strained dynamic, identify necessary interventions and develop proposed reforms to improve policing practices, and ultimately help relieve tensions between the two.

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