$3M Investment in Herkimer County for Clean Water Infrastructure

Project Will Lead to $25 Million In Taxpayer Savings

The Investment Will Ensure Clean Drinking Water for Five Communities In The Mohawk Valley

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced approval of more than a $3 million dollars for Herkimer County through the Municipal Restructuring Fund to deliver clean water infrastructure projects impacting the Villages of Ilion, Frankfort and Herkimer and the Towns of Herkimer and Schuyler. The effort will represent a taxpayer savings of about $25 million due to the shared services efficiency approach of these municipalities.

«Delivering clean drinking water for all New Yorkers has been the number one priority and we are working tirelessly to make sure Herkimer County has the resources to provide this human right for their residents,» Governor Cuomo said. «This $3 million investment through the Municipal Restructuring Fund will support new water infrastructure to offer a long-term solution that will benefit Herkimer County for years to come.»

Herkimer County Industrial Development Agency has been awarded $1,085,875 for small-scale implementation. The balance will come after the completion of the design and engineering studies. The Herkimer County Industrial Development Agency is working with the Mohawk Valley Water Authority to extend a new clean water transmission line in Herkimer County to provide an additional source of drinking water to the five communities.

Secretary of State Rossana Rosado said, «The Department of State continues to support local municipalities in their efforts to work collaboratively to bring new water infrastructure that will contribute to high quality living standards for Herkimer residents. This new investment adds to the development of a long-term projects that will bring additional source for clean drinking water so communities in this county can grow and prosper without the financial burden for its residents.»

Office of General Services Commissioner RoAnn Destito said, «Local governments working together for the benefit of their communities is a hallmark of Governor Cuomo’s leadership and this project is an excellent example. Working closely with the communities in the Mohawk Valley, we have established an important cost-sharing initiative that will bring a new source of clean drinking water to the region.»

This cost sharing effort among the five participating municipalities will implement a coordinated, regional solution with potential benefits to over 22,000 residents. The MRF project will finalize the engineering, legal, technical, and administrative plans necessary for the construction and long-term management of this regional water project.

The MRF is a $25 million fund, managed by the New York Department of State’s Division of Local Government Services, to support local government restructuring projects in multiple stages of development. The organization of the MRF enables project review and state investment to occur at multiple stages or phases of implementation, from initial project development to full project completion.

Projects qualify based upon the type of the proposal, the number of local governments involved and the potential financial impact to the municipal residents. The amount of funding available per project is based upon estimated future cost savings that will be generated when fulfilled. Projects listed for development become eligible for additional funding if the project successfully moves to implementation.

Senator James L. Seward said, «Clean, safe drinking water is essential for public health and to encourage economic growth. Repairing our aging infrastructure is expensive and can squeeze local governments and taxpayers. This collaboration between Herkimer County IDA, local municipalities, and New York State will save taxpayers money and result in a comprehensive project that will stand the test of time. My thanks to Governor Cuomo and Secretary of State Rosado for supporting this key Mohawk Valley initiative.»

Assemblymember Marianne Buttenschon said, «This project will provide an additional water supply for Herkimer County towns and villages, as well as save taxpayer money through cost-sharing and community collaboration. I want to thank Governor Cuomo, as well as the Herkimer County IDA and Mohawk Valley Water Authority, for working to fund this critical project and ensure our residents have access to safe, clean drinking water.»

Assemblymember Robert Smullen said, «Investing in clean water infrastructure is critical to the long-term health and economic viability of our communities. This infrastructure project will provide a vital resource to our residents, and I commend the Herkimer County IDA and municipalities for working together on a shared services approach which will result in significant taxpayer savings.»

Assemblymember Brian Miller said, «I’d like to thank Governor Cuomo and his staff for their work to secure $3 million to be invested in our local community to ensure our residents have clean drinking water. The governor has truly been out in front of this issue alongside a number of elected officials in the region, including me, and I cannot thank him enough for that. Not only are we ensuring the safety of our residents by protecting the drinking water – an essential human need – but this project will also save millions in taxes. This is a win-win scenario. What our residents are seeing here is a number of agencies, municipalities and elected officials working together to benefit the residents we work for.»

Town of Herkimer Supervisor Dominic Frank said, «The Town of Herkimer is extremely grateful that Governor Cuomo has seen the merit in the Town of Herkimer’s application for Municipal Restructuring Funding to ensure clean drinking water for the residents of West Herkimer, Town of Herkimer. The residents in this section of the Town of Herkimer have a historical need for a consistent source of clean drinking water and without this funding this project would not happen. This funding is vital towards the development of a reliable source of clean drinking water for over 50 parcels in the Town of Herkimer.»

Herkimer County Legislative Chair Bernard Peplinski said, «This is a landmark investment for Herkimer County. Not only will this bring safe, reliable water to our communities, but it will put money back in the hands of our taxpayers. Thanks to Governor Cuomo and the Herkimer County IDA for their leadership in making this project come to fruition.»

Village of Ilion Mayor Brian Lamica said, «Governor Cuomo’s investment in the water infrastructure of Herkimer County is not only crucial to our local economy, but the quality of life for our residents. I applaud the Herkimer County IDA for their work in this project and look forward to seeing the benefits it will bring to our community.»

Village of Herkimer Mayor Mark Netti said, «When it comes to the quality of our public health, Governor Cuomo has been the leader we need. This $3 million investment will bring the infrastructure needed for Herkimer County to grow our economy while saving taxpayers money. I am proud to support this project and I thank everyone involved in making it happen.»

Since its inception in 2016, the MRF has approved $25 million in state funding for 35 projects that are either in Phase 2 – Project Development, Phase 3 – Small-Scale Implementation, or Phase 4 – Full Scale Implementation. The annual estimated savings expected to be realized from implementation of these projects exceeds $81 million.

The MRF utilizes multiple deadlines for project submission to enable applications and project awards throughout the year. For additional information about the program and project applications, visit the Department of State website at www.dos.ny.gov.

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