New York Takes Action to Ban Offshore Drilling

New York Taking Action Amid Washington’s Fossil Fuel Assault to Protect State’s Waters and Coastal Communities

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, joined by Billy Joel, today signed legislation (S.2316 (Kaminsky)/A.2572 (Englebright)) to ban offshore drilling in New York State waters. The legislation will bar the state from granting permits for drilling, or oil or gas exploration in offshore areas controlled by the State. The ban will protect New York’s waters and coasts by making it more difficult for oil and gas drilling to occur close to coastal New York, even in waters controlled by the federal government. In addition, the legislation prohibits the leasing of State-owned underwater coastal land that would authorize or facilitate the exploration, development, or production of oil or natural gas. The Governor signed the bill in direct response to the Trump administration proposal to open U.S. coastal areas to drilling.

«This bill says no way are you going to drill off the coast of Long Island and New York, because we must lead the way as an alternative to what this federal government is doing,» Governor Cuomo said. «Today is about making sure Jones Beach and all of the coastal communities are here for our children and for the next generation. We must make sure we leave this world a better place for them because our job as parents, as citizens, as human beings is to pass it on better than you found it.»

«This legislation to ban offshore drilling in New York’s waterways is part of our ongoing efforts to protect our water quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,» said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul. «While the federal government fails to address the threat of environmental damage, New York is continuing to lead the way with our aggressive clean energy goals and commitment to combat climate change for a cleaner and greener environment for future generations.»

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