Miami receives national recognition for effective governing and sustainability efforts

(Miami, FL August, 2018) – The Departments of Budget, Procurement, Parks and Recreation and the Keep Miami Beautiful campaign are the recipients of several awards for effective government practices that enhance service to residents.

«Hard work and innovation are resulting in better service and more efficient government,» said City of Miami Manager Emilio Gonzalez. «All of our winners have shown what can be achieved through the commitment to create programs that show measurable results to the residents of the City of Miami.»

The City of Miami Budget Department received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the current budget from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and reflects the City’s commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.

In addition, City of Miami Procurement Department has been awarded the prestigious 23rd Achievement of Excellence in Procurement (AEP) for 2018 from the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI). The AEP is awarded annually to recognize Innovation, Professionalism, E-Procurement, Productivity, and Leadership in the procurement function.

Furthermore, the Department of Parks and Recreation received the Florida Parks and Recreation Association’s Excellence Award in the Environmental and Sustainability Category. The department has played a critical role in the City’s 20-year resiliency strategy. Since 1995, the department has strengthened its protection of environmental and natural resources with a continued focus on the preservation of its natural areas.

And lastly, the Keep Miami Beautiful campaign received the Outstanding Recycling Effort for significant progress shown in the City’s recycling efforts.

Keep Miami Beautiful began in October 2014 as a collaborative effort between the departments of Solid Waste, Public Works, Police and Planning as well as the Neighborhood Enhancement Teams, Code Compliance, and the Office of Communications to address general issues of street litter, illegal dumping, and code compliance issues more effectively. Since its inception, the city has collected more than one and half million pounds of street litter. Last year alone, with the continuous participation of Miami residents, the City diverted approximately 11,596 tons of recycling materials and 24,381 tons of green materials.

For more information about the organizations providing these awards, click the hyperlinks below.

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