Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Offering State Help to Avert New York Daily News Layoffs

«The Daily News, now owned by Tronc, Inc., is apparently firing a major portion of their reporting staff. This will undoubtedly devastate many households and hurt an important New York institution and one of our nation’s journalism giants.

«These layoffs were made without notifying the State or asking for assistance. My father, as Governor, came to the aid of the New York Post when it was facing difficult financial times. Even though the Post represented an opposing active partisan interest, my father understood the value of a robust free press. So do I.

«I urge Tronc to reconsider this drastic move and stand ready to work with them to avert this disaster. I understand that large corporations often only see profit and dividends as a bottom line. But in New York, we also calculate loss of an important institution, loss of jobs, and the impact on the families affected. I hope Tronc does the same and recalculates its decision. New York State stands ready to help.»

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