Making time for Business records and expenses

Finding time to put your records in order or sort out your business expenses isn’t easy – but there’s never been a better time to get on the right track.

So take advantage of HMRC’s help and support today.

Record keeping for the self-employed: Whether you use cash basis or traditional accounting, this webinar covers how to set up a record system, typical records you should keep and how long to keep them.

Wednesday 18 July – 4pm to 5pm

Business expenses for the self-employed: Find out what expenses are allowable, including travel, overnight expenses, premises costs and using your home. Discover how simplified expenses can save you time.

Friday 20 July – 11am to midday

Ask your questions during our live webinars using the on-screen text box.

Not joined a webinar (online presentation) before? This guide will tell you what you need to do.

You can also catch up with this series of recorded webinars for more information about business expenses – available when you are:

Part 1 – what are allowable business expenses?
Part 2 – common business expenses
Part 3 – simplified expenses
Part 4 – taxable profit

There’s also an online guide, full of useful information about ‘self-employed business expenses’.

Press Room

35 years of experience in the field of communications specialized in various business areas, such as administration, marketing, writing, public relations and more.