Florida Enters New Host-State Agreement to Help Displaced Puerto Ricans

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Governor Rick Scott announced that the Trump Administration has approved his request to enter into Host-State agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This agreement approves 100 percent federal reimbursement for costs incurred by the State of Florida related to the accommodation of those displaced by Hurricane Maria. In Florida, this includes sheltering operations and other support for those who are currently in Florida and for those who are still arriving from Puerto Rico. Click HERE to see the agreement.

Governor Scott said, “The number one concern that I’ve heard from families displaced by Hurricane Maria is that they need a safe place to stay so they can begin rebuilding their lives. This agreement with the federal government that I asked for will allow Florida to continue helping displaced families while they are in Florida. Since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico last week, we have been engaged in relief and response and we will continue to make sure that Florida is providing as much support and hospitality as possible.”

This week, the Governor announced the opening of three disaster relief centers in Port of Miami, Orlando International Airport and Miami International Director Airport. For a complete list of assistance that Florida has provided to Puerto Rico, click HERE.

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